Premium Packages - EMDR Intensives

The objective of EMDR therapy is to attain the most significant and all-encompassing therapeutic outcomes in the briefest time frame, all the while ensuring the stability and equilibrium of the client within the therapeutic process. (MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED)

What EMDR Intensive Packages are available?

Half-Day Weekday Packages $750

Total 5 hour program (3 hour face-to-face/Telehealth session, pre-interview/post follow-up 60 minute calls)

  • Assessments

  • Workbook

Three (3) Day Weekday Packages $2100

Total 14 hour program (9 hour/3 days; face-to-face/Telehealth sessions, pre-interview/post follow-up 60 minute calls) 

  • Assessments

  • Workbook

Three (3) Evening/Weekend Packages $5,250

Total 14 hour program (9 hour/3 days, face-to-face/Telehealth sessions, pre-interview/post follow-up 60 minute calls )

  • Assessments

  • Workbook